Friday, September 18, 2015

Spin, Deceit and Ignorance in the Republican Candidates Debate

The Republican candidate’s debate is a hallmark in spin, deceit and just plan old ignorance placed on America’s important issues by politicians.  Here’s a few examples.

            The debaters claimed that if the Iran nuclear agreement was signed, it will result in the US giving Iran $100 billion dollars (Whow, that’s a lot of money).  This is a lie!  The US is not giving Iran anything!  The $100 billion was oil money confiscated by the international bank as part of the sanctions.  It is their money which the United Nations is returning to them as part of the agreement. 

              Some of the debaters stalwartly support a very strong show of power against the Iranian government.  They seem to think that if America was stronger and shows more strength, that Iran would cower in they boots and accept whatever deal the US dictated.  It’s incredible!  Haven’t we learned anything from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars!  We tried to force Iraq into a democratically elected government and it failed.  Do we think we can do better with Iran?  After all these years and all these lives lost, haven’t we learned that we cannot use military strength to force our well upon another nation?  A better approach is negotiations and economy sanctions to which a rogue nation has no recourse, i.e. you can’t shoot economic sanctions.  To this point, Dr Ben Carson voiced a more reasonable approach.

            Now abortions.  Carly Fiorina described the horror of how aborted babies lie on operating tables after an abortion.  This is a total misrepresentation.  The abortions can only be performed legally within the first trimester (3 months) of a pregnancy.  This is the law.  At that point a fetus is more like a baby fish than a human.  There are no arms and legs as Fiorina described.  While many may find abortions appalling, there are good reasons for a mother to abort a fetus, rape or incest being two reasons.  If a mother decides to take the horrendous step of having an abortion, it is always after serious consideration.  No one decides to have an abortion willy-nilly.  Some people though feel that they have the right to force their opinion upon others.  Apparently they have forsaken the “Golden Rule.”  But even if the mother elects to have an abortion, there is good that can come from fetus’ tissues.  The tissues can be used in stem cell research that can potentially find cures for cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and many other illnesses.

            Donald Trump, the “Donald”, the “Great Satan” of all illegal immigrants wants to build a wall between the US and Mexico.  This is an idea worthy of Dr Seuss, “Build a wall and they will fall”.   Trump characterized illegals as rapists, murders and thieves.  This couldn’t be further from the truth. Illegal immigrants are not criminals.  By and large, they are really hard working people who will work for a pittance and do a good job.  They keep their mouth shut, work hard and stay low key largely because they live in fear of being discovered and deported.  And really, if you want to truly stop illegal immigrants, then utilize and enforce E-verify, a national data base of all immigrants that have legal work status.   

            But the “Great Wall of Trump”, has other flaws in its design.  Who the hell going to pay for this great wall?  Are we going to raise taxes?  Are we going to reduce military spending? Or is it coming from the backs of the working people who can hardly make a living now.  Oh! Oh! I have an idea, let the “Donald” pay for it.

            The praise that the “The Donald” receives that he is not beholden to anybody in this campaign, that he is paying for the entire campaign by himself, is ridiculous!  This is another way of saying that he is trying to buy the Presidency of the United States of America.  A truly democracy process might be that the nominee received 100 million donations to support his candidacy, sort of like Bernie Sanders i.e. the people supporting the candidate.

            So here we are, looking into the future.  Are we going to believe these lies, deceits and ignorant philosophy of the conservatives or are we going to wake up?  After about an hour of the debate, I went to bed.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kim Davis' New Definition of Religious Freedom

Kim Davis’ New Definition of Religious Freedom                                                
Read more in "Democracy on the Edge" at

Kim Davis, the Rowan County Kentucky Clerk who refused to grant marriage licenses to gay couples, claims the Supreme Court decision to allow gays to marry represents an infringement of her religious freedom.  Her claim is that since she is responsible for issuance of marriage licenses and since gay marriage is against her religious beliefs, the court decision is an infringement of her liberties.  Doesn’t that seem a little backwards to you?

            When the pilgrims came to the New World, they were fleeing religious persecution.  In the time of established churches, only one religion was allowed to be practiced, other religious alternatives were prohibited.  So some of those desiring a difference religious pick up there stuff, hopped on the Mayflower, and sailed to America. This is what violation of religious freedom is all about.  

            Ms Davis’ complaint is different.  What her case is actually saying by not granting licenses is that she will not allow the gay couples to participate in one of the most sacred of religious ceremonies, the act of marriage.  She is the one who is infringing upon others religious freedoms!  Somehow, conservatives like Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee, who have appeared in support of Ms Davis, have twisted the concept on religious freedom on its head.  They have successfully persuaded some people that it is OK for an individual to not perform their sworn duties and responsibilities i.e.  to uphold and dutifully fulfill the law of the country so help me God, because they don’t agree with it.  This is an entire new definition of “religious freedom”.  This attitude leads to anarchy.  Don’t fall for it, folks!  Don’t let the religious right turn religion freedom up side down.

Read more in "Democracy on the Edge" at