Sunday, December 13, 2015

Trump’s Immigration Plan is a Big Mistake
Use Immigrants to Fight ISIS

Donald Trump’s plan to completely close the door to immigrant from the Middle East is a big mistake for several reasons.  This short article will explain why.  First, America was founded by immigrants.  Unless you’re Native American, we are all immigrants.  Trump’s mother was born in Scotland and his father’s parents (i.e. Trump’s grand parents) were born in Germany.  America is a nation created by immigrants and our diversity has been one of the reasons that America has led the world in technology and creativity.  Immigrants are one of our strengths.

            Secondly, many of the immigrants coming to this country, came because they were fleeing religious persecution.  How is justice served if we close our doors to those seeking asylum from war torn countries, based on their religious beliefs?  We would be breaking one of America’s most sacred oaths, “religious freedom”.

            Next, propaganda expounded by Islamic terrorists teaches how western civilization detests the Moslem religion.  Forbidding Moslem immigrants into the U. S. would play directly into the hands of these fundamentalists, reinforce their statements.

            Finally there is an opportunity here for the U. S. to recruit Middle East immigrants to help fight against terrorism.  Who is more motivated to rid their home country of terrorist than those who have lost their loved ones, lost their homes to terrorist thugs?  A properly trained and armed immigrant force could make excellent recruits to fight for their own home and family.  After all, the immigrants speak the language, know the culture and beliefs of their terrorist enemy.  The U. S. should develop a program, along with other coalition nations, to recruit and develop a native fighting force and fight fire with fire.          

            There is a natural desire to fortify our safety by limiting immigrants that can do us harm.  Even though our intelligence agencies are working hard to identify every terrorist that may sneak in with the thousands of other innocent people, there is no guarantee that every terrorist will be found.  On the other hand, our actions may actually do us more harm than good by providing addition propaganda to terrorist recruiters.  In addition, we are a nation founded on principles.  We cannot just shove aside those principles whenever it suits us.  If we do, then we stand for nothing.
by Terry AmRhein
Author of Democracy on the Edge
available at


Saturday, December 12, 2015

If you had three wishes.


In the spirit of peace and good will toward all men, my wife asked me last night what would I wish for if I had three wishes, then she immediately applied the rule, “you cannot ask for three more wishes”, which took the words right out of my month.

            I had to think about it for awhile.  What would I wish for, that’s not an easy question to answer.  After contemplating for a little while, I responded

            - I’d wish that I would die before everyone that I loved (My brother died before my         mother.  That must have been terrible for her).

            - I’d wish that I lived a long happy and healthy live (which means that my loved one         would also live a long life because of my first wish) and

            - I’d wish that when the time comes, that I would go fast and not linger around in misery             spending all my heir’s inheritance.

After I divulged these rather morbid wishes, my wife reviled what her three wishes would be

            - That the Islamic State, ISIS, would be quickly and thoroughly destroyed.

            - That the world would find a solution to global warming and

            - That the finally we would reach world peace. 

(Had to smile at this last wish because it remained me of Steve Martin’s comedy routine in which he lists his three wishes that starts out with “world peace” but after reconsideration, finally winds up with him being a billionaire and world peace ending up in tenth place.)


There are stark contrasts between the wishes.  Obviously my impending disaster weighs on my mind and my great love for those who are close to me.  My wish list is self centered, my wishes revolve around me and what would make me happy.  And of course, Cindy and my children and grand children would be the benefactors of these wishes.


Cindy’s list is much more worldly and more gracious and generous toward all those inhabiting this forlorn planet.  But her wish list is also much more difficult to obtain, perhaps impossible. 

The conclusion I reach is that my wishes are more self-centered, but more realistically accomplished.  My wife’s are more charitable toward everyone, more generous and more worldly but incredibly difficult to accomplish.  Maybe that’s the way it is suppose to be.


Maybe you should ask those closes to you what they would wish for.  You might get interesting results.


Terry Amrhein

Author of Democracy on the Edge

Available at

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Gun Violence is Killing America. Can we stop it?

By Terry Amrhein, Author of Democracy on the Edge


Mass murders are occurring in the United States with such regularity that the public is almost callous to them.  Shooting of marines in Chattenooga, Tennessee then shooting of church goers in Charleston South Carolina, followed by a shooting of a news broadcaster and her camera man near Roanoke, Virginia, followed by Colorado Spring Planned Parent Hood murders, then in San Bernardino, California.  All mass murders and the American public says and does absolutely nothing.  Just another mass murder in America!  It almost as if Americans are smug about gun violence, that it won’t happen to us; but it could by the mere toss of the dice.

              Invariability, conservative’s solution to reduce gun violence is for the law abiding citizens to carry more weapons.  Apparently, conservatives envision an America where everyone carries side arms and AR-15s at all times in order to defend themself against attack.  In San Bernardino, this would mean people would come to a Holiday Party armed to the teeth.  In reality, those favoring an armed America have not thought about it much.  Would they really support a society where the law is enforced by an armed mob, a vigilante society like the days of Wyatt Earp?  I think not.  Most Americans want a country that provides them peace and security, not having to worry about being shot.  If everyone carries arms, who’s training these people?  Can they shot accurately?  What qualifications do they have to identify the shooter from the victim?  Preservation of peace is why we have an armed and trained police force.  Everyone being armed does not promote peace and security, it aggravate them.  

            But there are thing that we can do to reduce gun violence.  Requiring background checks before anyone purchases of weapon is a good idea.  Those who are convicted felons or have a history of mental illness, angry behavior or spousal abuse should be ineligible to purchase firearms.   Would this solution eliminate all murders? No, but it would help.  The Virginia Tech shooter had been diagnoses with anxiety disorder before he killed 32 students and injured another 17. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, the Columbine High School shooters, had signs of anti-social behavior and were sentenced to a juvenile diversion program after being caught for stealing tools from a parked automobile.  We have a “no fly list” that prevents suspected terrorists from flying on commerce airlines, yet we allow these same people to purchase weapons. (In fact, Republican members of Congress turned back a proposal last week to forbid those on the no fly list from buying weapons.)  That makes no sense!  Why can’t we have a no gun purchase list for terrorists, but we do not such a list?  Performing a background check requires only a few minutes.  Isn’t it worth it to help assure the purchaser is not going to shoot you someday?

            Other ideas like banning high capacity magazines are also sensible.  The Supreme Court has repeatedly decided that a person has a right to bear firearms to defend their property and to protect the lives of themselves and their family.  A high capacity magazine is not required for either of these.  Firing 10, 12, 15 times without reloading is not required for protection but it is required if you want to commit a crime without reloading.   

            Another sensible idea is to close loop holes on gun purchases.  An example is making “straw purchase” of guns (when someone purchases a weapon which is then given to another person) illegal.  This is one of the most common means for criminals to get weapons and it should be stopped.  How can anyone object to stopping the sell of firearms to criminals?  But I know some of us will object.

            My favorite idea is to require a gun education course before you can purchase a gun.  Most states already require a gun safety course before you can obtain a hunting license.  Why shouldn’t we require a gun safety course before purchasing a firearm?  If fact the gun course for firearm purchase could also suffice for the hunting course.  Everyone would be required to get a safety course.   Guns can be dangerous to you and to others, if you don’t know to treat them safety.  We require a driver license before driving.  Why not a gun safety course be buying a gun?    

            None of these methods will stop all guns homicides in America but they will help and they are far superior to arming every American, which is what the firearm manufacturers would love to see.  

Terry AmRhein

Democracy on the Edge

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